Old ones to exchange and new ones to replace
Are you changing fields or retiring? Do you have a used Diter or Ditelle device?
Contact us, and we will list on this page of your device and your contact information, which will help you find a new home for your device.
Below you will find our current devices for sale/brokerage. The indicated prices of the devices are VAT 0% prices.
We offer three (3) month warranty for our serviced used devices. If the device says *auction*, you can freely submit offers on the device.
Note! The prices indicated in connection with the devices do not include training, so you must agree on that separately.
You can ask us for pictures and more information about selling a used device by email mail@diter.com or by phone at +358 2 2539 800.
NOTE! When the device or product has changed hands, please let us know. That way the announcements are not here for nothing.
It is also a good to inform us of the serial number of the device and the new location for warranty information. Thank you :)
How do I price my device?
We are often asked how a used device should be priced. We hope that the seller will decide on the matter himself and handle the transaction directly with the buyer.
Here are some tips that should be taken into account when pricing.
1. DEVICE AGE: Diter and Ditelle devices have a long service life. When calculating the value, however, you should take into account the model of the device and, accordingly, determine the age as e.g. 10 - 15 years.
Here's how to calculate the current value:
EXAMPLE: You have a Ditelle x device whose value at the time of purchase is 5000.00 VAT 0%. You have used the device for 5 years. The estimated total lifetime of the device is 10 years.
5000 / 10 = 500
5000 - (5 x 500) = 2500 The current value of the device €2,500.00 incl. VAT 0%
2. DEVICE CONDITION: If the device and accessories are in similar condition as new, even if the device is old, it naturally affects the determination of the price.
3. DEVICE MAINTENANCE: The condition of the device should be checked before the owner changes. If you have paid for the inspection and maintenance of the device just before the sale, you can consider it in the price or leave it to the new owner.
Device training for used devices
Oletko ostanut Ditelle-laitteen käytettynä, mutta koulutus puuttuu?
Diter Oy is happy to organize device training for industry professionals and students, even if the equipment was not purchased directly from us.
Kyseiset koulutukset ovat maksullisia. Jos koulutus toteutetaan asiakkaan omissa tiloissa, lisäämme hintaan myös matkakulut ellei toisin ole sovittu.
Käytettyjen Ditelle-laitteiden koulutusvaihtoehdot ja hinnat:
ZOOM Etäkoulutus max 3 tuntia: 70,00 € alv 0% / tunti
Lähikoulutus Kaarinassa Diter Oy:n tiloissa: 280,00 € sis. alv 0% / päivä, 5-8 h. Osallistujien määrä max 6 hlöä
Ditelle Akatemia: 200,00 € alv 0%. Sisältää henkilökohtaisen linkin kansioon. Hinta sisältää Ditelle Akatemian koko sisällön käyttöösi 6 kuukaudeksi kerrallaan.
Näin sinulla on mahdollisuus oppia uutta Ditelle -laitteestasi tai kerrata vanhaa oman aikataulusi mukaan.
Kysy lisää soittamalla tai sähköpostitse mail@diter.com
On behalf of our customers
Ditelle Electra *uusi* (myyntiin 29.07.2024)
Yhteydenotot ja kyselyt puhelimitse: 0405845139
Ditelle RF (myyntiin 23.02.2024)
Yhteydenotot ja kyselyt sähköpostitse: aaren@kauneusaaren.fi
Diter D4 Combi (for sale 16.10.2023)
Contacts and inquiries by phone or email: 0407402230 / piika.vainio@gmail.com
Diter D4i Combi (for sale 28.9.2023)
Contact and inquiries via e-mail: elena_kangasoja@hotmail.com
Ditelle Ionto (for sale 16.06.2023)
Contacts and inquiries by phone: 0413119935 or by email: abdulef263@gmail.com
Ditelle 900 & DitLaser and device rack (for sale 20.1.2023)

Yhteydenotot ja kyselyt sähköpostitse: outialehtinen@gmail.com
Ultrasonic S3000
Interference Dit-83
Contacts and inquiries tel. 045 783 704 90
At Diter Oy's premises
UKV devices, 3 pcs
Interference DIT-83
price €600.00 VAT 0%
Interference DIT-941
price €950.00 VAT 0%
Interference DIT-941
price €950.00 VAT 0%
Interference DIT-941
price €950.00 VAT 0%
Microprosessor 1082
price €700.00 VAT 0%
TNS Clinic
price €350.00 VAT 0%
TNS Clinic S
price €450.00 VAT 0%