Diter Oy has manufactured devices intended for electrophysical modalities and developed treatment methods and protocols since 1976. Electrophysical modalities may provide help and relief for a variety of musculoskeletal problems. The aim of the treatments is to relieve pain and promote the restoration of functional capacity. Treatments are given as a series of several sessions, in which the aim is to carry out the treatments daily.
In 2011–2020, Diter/Diter Fysio did a follow-up of the number of treatments administered for different treatment areas and diagnoses. The follow-up included 1,096 participants who had sought an appointment with a physiotherapist on their own initiative due to their ailment.
Of the electrophysical modalities, three-period monophase modulated current was used as the primary and main treatment during the follow-up period. In some cases, other forms of electric current, laser therapy, ultrasound and magnetic therapy were also used as complementary therapies. The choice of treatment was made on a case-by-case bases based on the diagnosis.
Hoitojakson aikana potilaita kehotettiin välttämään liikehoitoja, manuaalista terapiaa, voimaharjoittelua sekä tulehduskipulääkkeitä. Tavoite oli saada hoidettava kohde kivuttomaksi, minkä jälkeen tulivat muut hoitomenetelmät ja harjoitteet muun muassa vaivan uusiutumisen ehkäisemiseksi.
Treatment frequency
Seurantajaksolla todettiin keskimääräisen potilaskohtaisen hoitokertojen määrän olevan 5,3 hoitokertaa, jolloin hoitojakson keskimääräiseksi kustannukseksi potilasta kohden muodostuu noin 240 euroa (Taulukko 1, Kuvat 1–2). Ajallisesti tämä tarkoittaa on noin viikon kestävää hoitojaksoa.
The treatment targets described above included, among others, the following diagnoses:
- Foot/heel: plantar fasciitis, apophysitis of the heel bone (Sever's ailment), foot fracture, heel bursitis, nerve compression of the foot (Morton's neuroma)
- Ankle: ankle pain, sprain, fracture
- Achilles tendon: inflammation
- Shin: lower leg compartment syndrome
- Knee: Osgood-Schlatter disease, jumper's knee, Baker's cyst, runner's knee
- Thigh: muscle spasm, pain, contusion, muscle tear, wooden leg, fracture
- Hip: pain, bursitis, piriformis syndrome, ischial tuberosity pain
- Back: lower back pain, SI joint pain, quadratus lumborum pain, herniated disc
- Neck: various neck-shoulder pain conditions
- Shoulder: tendonitis (infraspinatus, supraspinatus)
- Elbow/wrist: tendonitis (lateral/medial epicondylitis i.e. tennis/golfer's elbow), wrist pain
There was no need to repeat the treatment series for the same condition during the follow-up period.